Research Priorities |
These are just a few of the
issues that we believe are in need of substantial research. The
pioneering research of the 1970's and 1980's has not been followed
up. The breakthroughs of the last 30 years in evolutionary
psychology, biology, anthropology, and sociology have not been applied
to the subject of fostering successful alternative relationship styles.
too long, much has been taken for granted without objective proof.
Furthermore, the social opprobrium for alternative relationships has
shrouded their characteristics from public view, leaving them subject to
continued suspicion and fear. We believe the light of objective
research into these matters will dispel much of this irrational fear and
groundless suspicion.
In the future, we hope to be
able to stimulate rigorous new research into these topics and similar areas. We plan to offer incentives to researchers
through prizes for outstanding research, possible grants to
facilitate research, publishing a semi-annual journal in which research
can be published, and conducting an annual interdisciplinary symposium
where papers can be presented and findings discussed.
 | Basic Demographic Research |
 | How many people among the general public in the
United States are currently practicing alternative relationship
lifestyles? |
 | What are the geographic, economic, age, educational,
sexual orientation, family number, and other demographic
characteristics of these people? |
 | What is the exact nature and duration of their
participation in alternative relationships? |
 | Public Opinion Research |
 | What is the current state of public opinion with
respect to alternative relationships? |
 | What is the current state of public knowledge about
alternative relationships? Is there a measurable correlation
between accurate knowledge and opinion? |
 | Does public opinion vary along predictable
demographic lines? If so, what are the key demographic
predictors? |
 | What facts about alternative relationships are the
most persuasive among the general public? What myths are most
damaging to public tolerance? |
 | Sociology/Psychology Research |
 | What are the characteristics of persons
successfully living alternative relationships? How (if at all)
do they differ from the characteristics of those in successful
conventional relationships? |
 | What is the impact on children raised in the
context of alternative relationships, if any? |
 | How do important basic relationship skills such as
communication, conflict resolution, etc. play out differently in
alternative relationships? Are there any lessons to be learned
from the experiences of those in successful versus unsuccessful relationships, and how do the experiences of the
individuals involved differ from those of persons in conventional
relationships of the same kind? |
 | What personality traits predispose individuals to
seek out and participate in alternative relationships? How do
they differ (if at all) from those who choose conventional
relationships? |
 | What are the likely social consequences of a
greater proportion of intimate relationships being cast along
alternative lines? |
 | What has been the history of
communities espousing different forms of alternative relationships,
and what can be learned from their successes and/or failures? |
 | Legal/Political Research |
 | What is the current legal climate affecting
alternative relationships in the 50 states? At the federal
level? |
 | What steps should those desiring to live
alternative relationships take to protect the legal interests of the
parties? |
 | What is the legitimate and historical role of the
state in sanctioning and regulating intimate conduct among
consenting adults? |
 | Anthropology Research |
 | What does the latest
research tell us about the nature of human desire for intimate
relationships? |
 | What is true and false about
gender stereotypes and popular assumptions about "normal"
relationship structures? |
 | What can be learned from the
overwhelming majority of societies that live under different
assumptions about the "normal" configuration of intimate
relationships? How can we best apply these lessons from
non-industrialized societies to the highly structured world of
modern western society? |
 | Theology/Comparative Religion Research |
 | What is the history of
religious declarations with respect to the ideal form of intimate
relationships? Where have there been "watershed"
changes in the theology of relationships, and what have been the
precipitating causes of such changes? |
 | Why are there significant
differences between the doctrines of major religions on the subject
of intimate relations, even when these religions sprang from a
common root? |
 | What exactly are the
teachings of all major religions on the topic of intimate
relationships, and what are their theological underpinnings? |
 | What has been the influence
of secular concerns on the religious pronouncements of the major
western religions on the subject of intimate relationships? |

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The Institute for 21st Century Relationships - The
Foundation of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom