Conduct, and support the conduct of,
primary research into viable alternative ways to carry on intimate
relationships, and into the development of a set of valid constructs
for such relationships.
Sponsor seminars and symposia directed
toward a professional audience (psychiatrists, psychologists,
anthropologists, marriage & family counselors, clergy,
sociologists, ethnographers, etc.) to disseminate the findings of this
research and encourage discussion and further study by others.
Develop and deliver workshops and
conferences for lay people on the practical application of various
alternative approaches to intimate relationships.
Develop and publish periodical and
non-periodical publications on these topics for both popular and
professional audiences.
Carry on a public information program
to de-stigmatize these viable alternative approaches to relationships,
and encourage public tolerance and acceptance of all ethically sound
Serve as an available and trustworthy
resource for educators, legislators, regulators, and opinion-leaders
seeking better to understand these alternative approaches, their
rationale and empirical underpinnings, and their benefits to
individuals and society.